October 2010

FERN-C is a non-acidic Vitamin C in sodium ascorbate form. It is a more bioavailable form of Vitamin C that is an alternative to taking ascorbic acid as a supplement. It’s also known as a mineral ascorbate. But why take sodium ascorbate? Scientists discovered the absence of GLO genes in humans, apes, guinea pigs and fruit bats. The absence of this particular gene make us unable to biosynthesize a specific enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that converts blood glucose to ascorbate. This means that our bodies cannot produce its own ascorbate or in short, Vitamin C. All other animals produce their own ascorbate.

In the long term, lack of ascorbate in our body affects our health and a daily supplementation of this vitamin is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect. Dr. Linus Pauling PhD, a two time Nobel Prize recipient, and also known the champion of Vitamin C, stated that “It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1 to  2% of the amounts of ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health”.

Vitamin C has three major functions in our body, namely: Immune System booster, Collagen producer and Anti-Oxidant. It is also needed in the 300 metabolic functions of the body. Other vitamins and minerals cannot work without Vitamin C, but the latter can work in our body on its own. And since we cannot produce our own Vitamin C, taking FERN C on a daily basis helps keep our body in the best of health. As an Immune System booster, it will protect us from viral diseases like Dengue, Bird Flu and Swine Flu (AH1N1). As a potent Anti-Oxidant, it will help fight the damaging effects of free radicals and cancer. Lastly, as a Collagen Producer, it will help in the structural integrity of our bodies.

But why choose FERN-C?

  • Fern C is the only Vitamin C in the Philippines with the DSM Quali-C trademark. This Quali-C trademark guarantees Quality, Reliability and Traceability.
  • Fern C is a recipient of the Superbrands Seal of Quality and Excellence.
  • FERN-C is BFAD Certified (DRHR-1009)
  • FERN-C is Halal Certified
  • FERN C is the Official Vitamin of the PBA
  • FERN C is in MIMS (Master Index of Medical Specialties)

For more information about this product and its business opportunity, e-mail me: jpvillahermosa@yahoo.com or contact me: 0923-549-2230. I’m a Distributor / Stockist based in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.

FERN Inc.’s FERN-KNB? Batch 23 (A Personal Awareness and Leadership Seminar), will be held in Cebu City this coming Oct. 11-13, 2010. For those FERN Business Partners who are interested to join this seminar, you can visit www.fern-c.com for details of the registration rates and deadlines.

You can also contact your upline Stockists or FERNChise-C’s to assist you in the registration. Venue for this event will be at Cebu Parklane International Hotel, corner Archbishop Reyes Ave. and Escario Street, Cebu City.

Click on the image for a larger view:

FERN-KNB Batch 23 Cebu City

FERN-KNB Batch 23